Thursday, May 29, 2014

Runing between the footmen and horses....

Me and Nilson
Well it has officially been about four months since my last post and a lot has gone on in this short time. I've been learning a lot about myself and also about people in general which is helping me grow. However one thing I've truly had to learn is how to trust in Jehovah. How so? Well pioneering in your home country does require trusting in Jehovah. Even serving in a foreign language congregation requires trust in Jehovah, especially if you know nothing of the language you are learning. However, moving to a foreign country with no plans of returning to serve in your former country will show you what it means to trust in Jehovah in completely different ways. For me, I feel I am learning to trust in him all over again. But at the same time it's been an awesome experience!

First as we all know time and unforeseen occurrences can befall anyone at anytime and Jehovah's servants are not shielded from these things. This has been true with being here in my assignment as well! For example, my job has gone through some changes and because of that the hours they were giving went down like crazy. For a couple weeks I almost got NO hours. This after coming from a preaching trip where I didn't work for over two weeks. So what do you do? Pray, pray, pray and make some phone calls... LOL Through the help (not only talking about money but practical advise too) of family, friends, and Jehovah blessing your own efforts to do what you can, I've felt the realities of the 34th Psalm. Expressions like the following:
Me and Morgan eating lunch with an
Italian call

"This lowly one called, and Jehovah heard. He saved him from all his distresses"
"For those who fear him lack nothing"
"They cried out, and Jehovah heard; He rescued them from all their distresses"
"But those seeking Jehovah will lack nothing good."

CO, his wife (Br & Sis Knappen), Nilson, me
with my friends from Belo Horizonte
I can truly feel the reality of those inspired words even more so, even in other senses aside from material needs. As anyone who is has served away from home knows homesickness can be an issue. I never imagined I would get homesick but it happened. Also this is the first time I've been living by myself and it's been hard adjusting. And at times you don't want to tell the friends back home you're homesick all the time or they'll get worried and and also you don't want to burden people in your assignment either, especially since you are there to help. How did Jehovah provide? Well of course I cried out... literally at times. Also the friends in the congregation were extremely encouraging. Then when the circuit overseer came he shared his experiences which helped me to see that I wasn't alone in how I felt as well. It helped immensely. But everything came at the right time and when I needed it. Seeing how Jehovah takes care of your emotional needs as well has been downright amazing.

Of course the reason why he helps me aside from his love is the fact that I need to be focused on the ministry and helping the congregation. And believe me I have. I currently have one Bible study with a very nice man from Guinea-Bissau. Also I have some other return visits with some other people that I'm trying to talk to. It takes a lot more patience in this field but I love the challenge and it's cool seeing how Jehovah blesses out efforts.
Celso, Marcia, Gabriel, Chris, Diorgea, Nilson,
Kevin, Morgan and Ariadne

Another experience is being able to give talks in some awesome congregations. A couple months ago I gave a talk in Belo Horizone, Minas Gerais. It was amazing! The congregation is so loving and hospitable! Also it was nice to give a talk there where really there are NO native brothers in the congregation to give public talks. Also when I visited my girlfriend in Santo André, São Paulo I got to give a talk in an English congregation nearby. Interestingly it was in the first kingdom hall I ever went to in Brazil! How cool was that! And the friends really liked the discourse as well. At the local meetings I usually give at the minimum one part a week and there's lots of opportunities to comment. The friends are very kind and always let you know how much they appreciate having you in the congregation which is a big help and moral booster.
Gabriel, Renate, and me

Me, Matheus, and Morgan at the stone
Finally I want to talk about my Portuguese class. I've been taking it for nearly a year now and it's been a big help! Every once in I while I try to take advantage of small opportunities to give an incidental witness but an opportunity came just recently that was pretty cool. We had to give a presentation about a celebration or festival in our culture. Well, I was racking my brain as to what I should do because if I chose a holiday I would have to explain the pagan roots and I didn't want to be negative nor act like I was OK with the holiday in simply reporting about it. So I figured I'd talk about the memorial. We each had to do a small write up about it (one or two paragraphs) and then we pass it to the class and then we go ahead and talk about our celebration via PowerPoint presentation. On my sheet I had the website as well as a custom QR code that led directly to the "Why study the Bible" video. I then went into what the memorial was, our campaign to invite others, how it was different from Easter (Portuguese: Páscoa) and also why it should be important to others. I have links to the sheet and the presentation below if you want to see it. It's all in Portuguese. (No translation... sorry...) Of course it required complete trust in Jehovah because I was giving this presentation in Portuguese and I had to learn how to explain my understand of this Bible teaching in another language and be prepared for questions. One of the girls asked about whether this was like what she does in her church every week. Thank Jehovah I had looked at that information and holy spirit helped me remember how to say it.
At the assembly hall construction site
But that's about it so far. Right now I'm preparing for my convention in September and also working on making some adjustments as respects my employment. I'm also trying hard to improve my ministry as well since I'm trying to make sure I'm more alert to when I see foreigners around and to move myself to talk to them. You'd think it's easy but sometimes the nervousness gets the best of me. But I'm working on it. However soon I'll be sending albums of photos of what I've been up to lately. Hopefully you will like them!
Oh maybe you wondered about the title of this post. Well it comes from Jeremiah 12:5 where it says:

If you get tired running with footmen,How can you run a race against horses?

Really one thing I've realized is that if I can't deal with these relatively smaller problems whether it be other people I serve with, financial problems, or whatever other situation it is how can I really hope deal with larger problems in life that are coming and especially the Great Tribulation that looms ahead all of us? Thus in everything I've been trying to stay one step ahead of the "footmen" (stressful but relatively lesser problems) with Jehovah's help knowing that the greater race is to come. Again it's been teaching me that nothing less than 100% reliance on Jehovah is essential for survival. However, I'm glad I'm able to learn this lesson while I'm still relatively young. (Lamentations 3:27)
OK! I've written enough so I'll write to you all again soon. I would appreciate your prayers for Jehovah's continued blessing on my service here since the English circuit here really needs help and needs native brothers in the congregations. I mention many of you in my prayers from time to time so none of you are forgotten! Hope to talk to you guys soon! Até mais pessoal! Tchau!

Grande abraço do seu querido irmão/primo/filho

Links to my report:

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Back home from an amazing trip!

Well I made it back home in one piece! I got to literally preach for 6 days straight (some full days and a couple half days) but it was an experience I will never forget! Here are just a few of the many experiences I had.
Frederico Westphalen
We preached in this city on Saturday to support one of the congregations that was there. It was bigger town and thus the response wasn't as great as some of the other smaller cities however we did get to speak to some people there. After speaking with one lady at her door a guy was walking by and I decided to give him a tract on the end of suffering and that turned into a full blown conversation about the subject. He talked about his home situation and how he was married with two children at home but was struggling to just put food on the table to feed them. (Actually just that day he was able to gain a few reais just to buy some meat for the family to eat) he really appreciated the things we were showing him in the Bible and said that he likes to make music based on his faith. I decided to try to leave him the Good News brochure and he was interested in the section on God's purpose for the earth. I showed him the features of the brochure in using that section and he accepted it. The sister with me asked if he was knew about out meetings and he said he was aware of the Kingdom Hall and we got his number so that we could text him the address and then we got his address so that I could write him. I intend to try to start studying with him by letter if possible.
Later that afternoon I worked with a brother in our group named Marcelo and he was an awesome brother. He literally preaches to everyone and is a good teacher. One girl we spoke to in the ministry was outside her house as her brother was taking thier dog named Lasagna for a walk. (yes that's the dog's name) He used that to turn it into a discussion about God's name and how important it was to know his name. He tried to leave her the Young People as book but she said that she already had information like that and that she was studying to get baptized with a church in the area but that some of the answers that she got from them about her questions she didn't find satisfying. He then showed her the Bible Teach book and he took her to the chapter on the dead. They went over the first FOUR paragraphs and he was helping her to underline to take notes. And she was into it. She literally learned more in the 15-20 minutes we were there more than probably the whole time she was studying with those people from the church she was with. And at the end he reminded her of how important it was for her to remember God's name. He said that he would never forget about that dog's name... (neither would I) and that even if she would forget his name what was important was that she not forget that God has a name and wants her to use it. Pretty cool right?

Rodeio Bonito
Here we worked half the day in a smaller town and we actually finished the territory rather quickly. Though we weere able to have some nice conversations with some of the people. With one lady who believed that God would end all suffering on earth one day and said that she was religious she was very interested in having a Bible for herself and accepted one with a Bible teach book. Another elderly lady accepted a tract on about whether the dead will every come back to life. Another group in the territory were able to find a deaf man and since one of the sisters was in the sign language congregation in Rio de Janeiro they were able to preach to him as well. Later that evening we went to the meeting there in Rodeio Bonito and it was nice. The congregation has 13 publishers so it it was no doubt an interchange of encouragement when the 40+ of us joined them for the meeting. Their kingdom hall is smaller so we literally packed the house out with quite a few left standing during the meeting, Plus I got a chance to get back into practicing my theocratic Portuguese giving some comments during the watchtower study. (Though I had to write them out so that they would come out clearly...)

Crystal do Sul
This area was very nice. Though all over the place we literally found crystals on the ground. (Thus the name of the town...)  That day I was working with Marcelo and Leonardo our group leader and it was fun. As we were working the territory we talked about different things such as the conducting of the Watchtower study comments during the meetings and things like that. Plus Marcelo talked to me about how to preach to the people there. One of the things that I literally didn't get until that day was that usually Brazilians weren't into the custom of reading in general, though the newer generation was into doing it a bit more. Though that's not a rule because we did encounter people who did say they did read the Bible usually a lot of people when we asked them if they read their Bible or liked to read usually gave that look "Kinda sorta... not really..." and some freely admitted that they needed to do it more but didn't. But all that means is the need to adapt to the needs of the people. One man Leonardo and I spoke with invited us up to his porch and had us sit down and talk to him. (This happened more often than than you may think.. Usually when we were working at any given time at least one pair were in someone's house or sitting at someone's porch listening to us) But Leonardo spoke to him about the Lord's prayer and about God's kingdom and what it truly meant for mankind and the man listened with his baby in hand. Though by his responses I could tell he wasn't in the custom of reading the Bible as much he readily listen to us and accepted literature as well.
Aguas de Chapecó
This city we went to took a while for us to get to because it was in Santa Catarina (the neighboring state to Rio Grande do Sul the one we were in). Yet and still we had some nice results. Hariadne and I were working together again and at my first house I started off by asking a man if he felt that there would ever be an end to suffering. He said basically I have no suffering here! (Yeah ok...) I said that while we may enjoy life still we would like to be able to enjoy it for more than just 70 or 80 years and even when we get older we have to deal with health problems that make us unable to enjoy life the way we want to. His expression changed and he started listening. I read to him Revelation 21:4 about the changes that God's Kingdom would bring and he listened intently as I explained it and then he accepted the magazines on Is death the end of it all?
A bit later we came to the house of this one lady she was cleaning but she stopped what she was doing, invited us to her porch, sat us down and listened to us. I talked with her about whether God would end suffering. I took her to Psalm 37:10, 11 and focused on how God would soon bring changes to allow mankind to have peace (focusing on the latter half of verse 11 where it spoke of "abundance of peace"). She readily listened and agreed with what we said. When I asked her if she had a Bible she said she couldn't read but that she has someone that stays with her that reads to her from time to time. So I left her the Listen to God brochure (the one with just pictures) and she was in love with the pictures in it. I also highlighted that the pictures taught various Bible lessons. She gladly accepted it.
Another house Hariadne and I went to the lady also invited us on her porch and listened to us. Hariadne talked about the Lord's Prayer and how God's will wasn't being done on earth and the promises in Revelation 21:4 and Psalm 37:10, 11 and how it was related to the fulfillment of that prayer. However during the conversation she offered us some cold water to drink. Hariadne said she probably noticed how she was out of breath when she was speaking, also I think she noticed how I was slowly falling asleep when I sat down. It was HOT THAT DAY!!! For example the high today in this city was 38ºC (100ºF) and it was ridiculously humid and the sun was crazy strong that day. Despite how pathetic we were looking she listened intently, was very hospitable and accepted literature.
Final city
I can't remember the name of the last city we worked in though there we had some good results as well. One thing I noticed was that a lot of the families there had new born children. It was interesting. Anyway, we had several good discussions. The sister I was with that morning, Rosa, spoke with one young man who had a newborn baby and he listened to her and accepted literature. She focused on the future and the hope God's Kingdom provides and tied it in with how he wanted a good future for his child (who was lying there quiet as we were talking). The discussion went very well.
When I came to be my turn it was at this house there was a group of people chatting together with the kids running around. I was aprehensive about approaching but Rosa told me just ask and if they want to they will. I came up and started after greeting them asked if we could talk to them (literal translation: Can you attend to us? - "Pode nos atender?") They agreed and I got to speak with them about how God's kingdom would remove suffering and they were listening... (at least the two women were...) and they were nodding their heads too at the reasoning points. When I asked if they liked to read one said yes, the other gave that expression I mentioned earlier.. so I gave them all tracts (each a different one). Next we went up to this metalworking plant and we decided to try to talk to the guys there. We said we noticed they were busy but we wanted to leave them with a positive bible message. We left tracts pretty much with everybody inside.

It was an amazing preaching trip and I hope that I'll be able to do it again next year not just for a week but for the whole trip. Most of the friends were there from the first of the month and they are on their way back home to Rio now. Also working with so many brothers and sisters with so much experience in the truth and in the ministry was encouraging. Though quite a few said that it was the pick up they needed because when they head back into their territories they won't have the same type of response they enjoyed here or even be able to count on the same all day support that they had in the territory. Personally for me it was the encouragement I needed. It was wonderful to literally spend about a week straight preaching and many of those days preaching all day with brothers and sisters of all ages (including many youths) who were zealous and loved the truth and Jehovah as I do. But anyway that's about it! The next update as to how I'm doing will be a bit further ahead but it was nice to hear from some of you after one of my last posts. Keep in touch please. Hope to hear from you guys soon!


Friday, January 17, 2014

Primeiro dia no campo

Consideration of the text in the morning
Just in see some of you don't know for the next week I'm working with this group of brothers and sisters from Rio de Janeiro. Every January they go to parts of Brazil that are seldom worked to preach for about four weeks. I joined up with them for a week. The arrangement has been  on for a long time. They talk about it in the September 15, 1991 Watchtower in the article entitled "The fields are white for harvesting in Brazil".
Bus we used in traveling to and from the territory
Today was my first day preaching with the group from Rio Grande de Sul and we were in this small city called Rodeio Bonito. It was a very small town but the purple were very nice. However when I started I was very nervous (really the whole morning). My partner Hariadne tried to help a lot by practicing with me in between doors and giving me some helpful suggestions which helped me be a bit more confident in the afternoon. I had a couple of good experiences. First I got a chance to talk to this young girl who came to one of the doors. Using one of the reminders from Hariadne to be observant, we started taking about how she would like to live in a better world when she grows up. I then asked her what problem she would like to get rid of and she replied drugs. After acknowledging her response I took her to Psalm 37:10, 11. I asked her if she knew what "mansos" (meek in Portuguese) meant and she said no. I imagined since she was young but I wanted to make sure. I then explained saying that they are people willing to be taught by God and who are kind to others. She agreed that the world would be much better in a place like that. Afterwards I left her the Listen to God brochure. She asked if there was a price and I read for her the sentence in the opening of the brochure which says that the brochure isn't for sale and that it's part of a work supported by donations. (Another tactic I learned from my partner) I then said the most important thing is that she reads it and she expressed a lot of interest in keeping the brochure.
Afterwards I was working with another sister named Rosa and we were working a block in the territory and we can't across this boutique. We entered and Rosa started talking to the lady at the register named Anna Paula. We after taking for a little bit we found out she was studying with someone but she still accepted the magazines. As Rosa was talking with Anna, she motioned for me to talk to the other lady in the store. I started taking to her and asked if she likes to read. She said that she was listening to us talk to Anna the whole time. She says that she used to study before coming here to Rodieo Bonito. We started encouraging her to read her bible again and to try to restart her study with one of the local sisters. Anna then started taking with me about wanting to visit New York (earlier she noted I was wasn't from Brazil and I said I was born in NYC). I told her some things she would want to try and see when she was in NYC. (Trying NY style pizza and checking out the stores in Times Square) As a thank you she key me choose a tie to take for free. Overall an awesome experience.
But that's it for today. The sun was oppressive and I'm tired so I'm going to take a nap before dinner. Till next time folks!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Sick as a dog...

Well I know it's been a while since I've posted anything and sorry about that. But it's kind of been a roller coaster the past couple of months. Trying to deal with homesickness and loneliness hasn't been easy but Jehovah and some good friends have been helping me out in that respect. Also every once in a while I've heard from some of my friends back home! Though it would be nice to hear from you guys more often... *hint* *hint*....
From left: Eros, Juliana, Chris W
As the title of this post brings out I've been sick for the past few days. Honestly I have no idea where it came from. On Saturday a group of us went out in service in Guarapari this past weekend. Guarapari is a city about an hour outside of Vitória (where I live). It's a beautiful city and the beach is so much better than Vitória's as you can see in the pictures below. Usually around this time a lot of people from Minas Gerais (the state to the left of mine) come down here to visit and the majority of people at the beach were Mineiros (people from Minas Gerais). We were able to find some foreigners in our ministry that day and later in the afternoon we spent some time with some friends of Chris W. They invited us to stay for lunch and dinner and for dinner they had brazillian barbeque (churrasco). Now here I got sick off of something. I can't figure out if it was the alcohol (it was pretty strong stuff... I wasn't used to it), the food, or something else that day. But something didn't go well with my stomach. So that took me out for a couple of days and really today is the first day I've been able to enjoy eating something. But today was a good day for another reason as well. I had made an appointment to do a return visit on this Chinese man at the mall this afternoon. When I got there I took a few moments to prepare off to the side. I was using the Good News brochure in chinese on my tablet and was trying to make sure I understood what the paragraphs were saying in my language before I went over it with him in Chinese (I'm going to have to start learning another language folks... smh). I had him read the paragraphs and then we discussed them a little bit. Though the discussion turned into the direction of his family and life here in Brazil and basically I just listened. I got to hear a little bit more about him and his family and what he's concerned about which of course is what we're trying to do anyway. We chatted for like 30-40 minutes and then he had to go to back to work. (he was on his break... you see he told me to come around a certain time which evidently was around his breaktime...) And I told him I would be back when I get back in town the following week. So the next time I'm going to be going back with something a bit different. Probably less on doctrinal matters and more on something based on what he's concerned about.
Also later on I was able to have another cool experience. I was on my way home and I walked past this hotel in my neighborhood and I noticed this guy sitting outside smoking. I knew by the way he looked he wasn't Brazilian but I wasn't sure about approaching him. However as I walked up past him a bit I figured I would go back and try to iniciate something but then when I turned around I noticed another guy there so now there were two guys. I was kinda nervous but I said a quick prayer got two tracts prepared and went back. I asked them if they were from around here and that's basically how the conversation started. They were both from Norway on business and the next day one of them would leave out on a ship for another destination. I got to tell them a bit about myself too and how I was here studying at the University. Then before leaving I got to leave both of them tracts which they both accepted. So it was a nice way to end the day don't you agree?
Well I'll stop here but I should be writing a bit more soon. Tomorrow I'm heading to Rio Grande do Sul (southern state in Brazil) where I will be meeting up with some friends who are doing some seldom worked territory in that state. I'll be sending experiences and pictures of course. Talk to you guys soon! Please keep in touch so a brotha don't feel like his fam forgot about him...
