Consideration of the text in the morning |
Just in see some of you don't know for the next week I'm working with this group of brothers and sisters from Rio de Janeiro. Every January they go to parts of Brazil that are seldom worked to preach for about four weeks. I joined up with them for a week. The arrangement has been on for a long time. They talk about it in the September 15, 1991 Watchtower in the article entitled "The fields are white for harvesting in Brazil".
Bus we used in traveling to and from the territory |
Today was my first day preaching with the group from Rio Grande de Sul and we were in this small city called Rodeio Bonito. It was a very small town but the purple were very nice. However when I started I was very nervous (really the whole morning). My partner Hariadne tried to help a lot by practicing with me in between doors and giving me some helpful suggestions which helped me be a bit more confident in the afternoon. I had a couple of good experiences. First I got a chance to talk to this young girl who came to one of the doors. Using one of the reminders from Hariadne to be observant, we started taking about how she would like to live in a better world when she grows up. I then asked her what problem she would like to get rid of and she replied drugs. After acknowledging her response I took her to Psalm 37:10, 11. I asked her if she knew what "mansos" (meek in Portuguese) meant and she said no. I imagined since she was young but I wanted to make sure. I then explained saying that they are people willing to be taught by God and who are kind to others. She agreed that the world would be much better in a place like that. Afterwards I left her the Listen to God brochure. She asked if there was a price and I read for her the sentence in the opening of the brochure which says that the brochure isn't for sale and that it's part of a work supported by donations. (Another tactic I learned from my partner) I then said the most important thing is that she reads it and she expressed a lot of interest in keeping the brochure.

Afterwards I was working with another sister named Rosa and we were working a block in the territory and we can't across this boutique. We entered and Rosa started talking to the lady at the register named Anna Paula. We after taking for a little bit we found out she was studying with someone but she still accepted the magazines. As Rosa was talking with Anna, she motioned
for me to talk to the other lady in the store. I started taking to her and asked if she likes to read. She said that she was listening to us talk to Anna the whole time. She says that she used to study before coming here to Rodieo Bonito. We started encouraging her to read her bible again and to try to restart her study with one of the local sisters. Anna then started taking with me about wanting to visit New York (earlier she noted I was wasn't from Brazil and I said I was born in NYC). I told her some things she would want to try and see when she was in NYC. (Trying NY style pizza and checking out the stores in Times Square) As a thank you she key me choose a tie to take for free. Overall an awesome experience.
But that's it for today. The sun was oppressive and I'm tired so I'm going to take a nap before dinner. Till next time folks!
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